This photo taken with the Fujifilm S9600 digital camera.
Shutter speed: 1/220, f/3.6, ISO 100
Your one stop location for photos of anything nature. Nature Photography galore! Nature Pictures by David Webb Photography include images of flowers, flora, fauna, macro, beach, Australian landscapes, Australian culture, Photography Tips and more.
How efficiently (or inefficiently) would your household function without batteries?For me, the first thing which came to mind was that my camera wouldn't work without batteries. So if I had no batteries in the house, I'd have to go back to the "old-fashioned" film method (some film cameras don't need batteries). But this is more inconvenient than it would seem. If I wanted to change to film, here are some of the costs that would be involved:
On Australia Day, the winner of the Australian of the Year award is announced by the Prime Minister; the award is given to any Australian citizen who has shown a "significant contribution to the Australian community and nation", and is an "inspirational role model for the Australian community". Subcategories of the award include "Young" and "Senior Australian of the Year", and an award for the "Australian Local Hero".
Recorded celebrations date back to 1808, and in 1818, Governor Lachlan Macquarie held the first official celebration of Australia Day. In 2004, an estimated 7.5 million people attended Australia Day celebrations and functions across the country.
Source: Wikipedia
Ladybird ladybird fly away home,This photo taken with the Fujifilm S9600 digital camera.
Your house in on fire and your children are gone,
All except one and that's little Ann,
For she crept under the frying pan.