Pink "Purple Prince" Tulip Flower - "Purple" Sunday

Now for the surprise.......
Yes, you read it right. Pink Tulip flower. Not Purple. Well, I said I had a surprise in store for this Sunday. This Sunday is not actually Purple! As the wikipedia article about Advent says: "On the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, a rose [colour] is used since this Sunday takes on a more joyous tone." So, this being the 3rd "Purple" Sunday, I have a pink, or rose coloured picture for you today.
I got this photo of a pink Tulip blossom at a flower festival earlier this year. We were just entering Spring at the time, and you can see many other brightly coloured flowers in the background of this picture. I used a low aperture (F4.3) while taking this photo to ensure that the flower remained in focus while the background was blurred. I think this is actually a "Tulipa Purple Prince" flower, but it looks pink to me! Please tell me if you know the proper name of this flower, it would be a great help.
This photo taken with the Fujifilm S9600 digital camera.
Shutter speed: 1/120, F4.3, ISO 200
Wow awesome Tulip. You have a good eye for capturing flower photos. I agree with you that it's pink ; )
Hi David, it is somewhat strange to think of tulips blooming in your spring, which is about September I would suppose?
ReplyDeleteThere was a recent article in one of the photo magazines here in the U.S. about taking close up pictures and concentrating on what the blurred background looks like. The left hand side and the bottom of this photo make a very pleasing contrast against the tulip. The top right, where it is very white, is somewhat distracting. If it were all green, this photo would be even that much better. I really like how the pinks and purples contrast.
David this is very nice close up photo of the tulip, and love the blurred background yet full of other colors and especially purple. Great job, and great post. Anna :)
ReplyDeleteHi digitalshuttermania,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad somebody else thinks it's pink! I was beginning to wonder there whether I had chosen the right photo.... :D
Hi Tom,
ReplyDeleteYep, Spring is September for us. I got this photo right at the end of September.
Thanks very much for your constructive advice. I really like it when people leave a comment which actually adds something to the picture or gives some advice. It helps a lot. I entirely agree with you about this photo - the white does distract from the main view. With close-up pictures, the background can be as important as the subject!
Thanks for your comment, and congratulations on the wedding! :)
Hi Anna,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. It's surprising how much the background adds to the picture. I didn't notice the purple before, but I suppose it fits in well with "Purple Sunday"!
Just awesome! No descriptions...
ReplyDeleteWould make a brilliant and inspiring Book-cover!
Hi merging point,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you there, I can think of a few books which could use this picture as a cover. Thanks for your comment, and have a happy "Gaudete Sunday"!
What a beautiful pink rose! I can feel the dewiness of the petals. Had no idea about the rose color during Advent. Awesome post and photo!!!
ReplyDeleteHugs, JJ
Hi JJ,
ReplyDeleteThe rose colour during Advent is something which not many people know about. I only found out about it recently. It's given a great subject for a photo in this picture though!
I hope you are enjoying this taste of Summer in your Winter!