Huge Cumulonimbus Thunder-head and Storm Front at Sunset

I've been browsing through my old photos lately, and this is one of the shots that turned up. This photo depicts a cumulonimbus cloud heading a storm front, with the main thunder-head rendered in a pinkish hue due to the late evening sun reflecting off it. The storm clouds themselves are a threatening deep blue, and the black silhouette formed by the treeline and rooftops at the bottom of the image only serves to intensify the general atmosphere of foreboding. This photo, I think, truly imparts a sense of awe at the great power of creation.Moving on to a lighter note, this photo again uses a rough approach to the
"rule of thirds". The silhouette forms the lower one-third of the image, the blue clouds another third, and the pink "anvil" of the cumulonimbus cloud rises toward the top of the frame.
The focus seems to be divided between two areas of this picture - the pink thunder-head is the primary subject, and the blue clouds below it form the secondary subject.
The main
"breaking-up" devices in this picture are the two thin aerials rising toward the center of the photo - they direct the eye again from the lower section of the picture back up to the top again.
But don't let the composition of this photo distract you from enjoying it's awe-inspiring effect. Just remember, the interpretation of art is always up to the viewer: Take this picture, think whatever you like about it, just make sure you
have fun!This photo taken with the Kodak C330 camera.
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